UNRWA is the “spine” of the help effort in assist of over two million Gazans displaced and battered by warfare with greater than 33,000 killed – largely ladies and kids – and over 76,000 injured stated UNRWA chief Philippe Lazzarini.


  • The company is a ‘stabilizing power’, offering the spine of the whole help operation in Gaza
  • A person-made famine is tightening its grip however UNRWA is being denied permission to supply sufficient life-saving help
  • UNRWA is going through an Israeli marketing campaign ‘to push it out of the Occupied Palestinian Territory’
  • 178 UNRWA staff have been killed and 160 premises destroyed or broken – killing greater than 400 Gazans
  • Mr. Lazzarini demanded an unbiased investigation into the blatant disregard for defense of humanitarian staff in the course of the battle
  • UNRWA is ‘firmly dedicated’ to implementing any suggestions to strengthen neutrality safeguards
  • Dismantling UNRWA would have “lasting repercussions” and can condemn “a whole era to despair”
  • Palestinians and Israelis share a protracted historical past of grief and loss. We should acknowledge “that they’re equally deserving of a peaceable and safe future”

For summaries of this and different key UN conferences, go to our colleagues on the UN Conferences Protection in English and French

5:23 PM

UNRWA should not be damaged: Jordan

Ayman Safadi, Deputy Prime Minister and Minister of International Affairs of Jordan stated Israel needed to interrupt UNRWA, the spine of humanitarian efforts in Gaza, urging Member States to not enable this.

UNRWA deserves your assist as a result of solely UNRWA has the power to meaningfully assist Palestinians in Gaza, who’re ravenous, and supply very important providers to Palestinian refugees throughout the area.

The disinformation marketing campaign the Israeli authorities has been spreading in opposition to UNRWA should not form the world’s view of the company, he stated.

Foreign Minister Ayman Safadi of Jordan addresses the UN Security Council meeting on the situation in the Middle East, including the Palestinian question.
International Minister Ayman Safadi of Jordan addresses the UN Safety Council assembly on the scenario within the Center East, together with the Palestinian query.

UNRWA has nothing to cover and it has confronted as much as its obligations, committing to repair any wrongdoings or shortfalls – ought to any be discovered.

He stated Israel’s “witch hunt” had began lengthy earlier than allegations had been made in opposition to a dozen staffers.

The aim of the assault on UNRWA is to destroy the rights of Palestinian refugees but it surely is not going to succeed, he informed ambassadors.

UNRWA should be protected now, in the identical method it has been protected up to now.

4:55 PM

‘The time has come to defund UNRWA’: Israel

Israel’s Ambassador Gilad Erdan stated UNRWA was “one of many weapons” crafted by the Common Meeting which was solely prolonging the Center East battle.

“UNRWA, the group that so lots of you [UN members] fund, is the UN’s single greatest impediment to an answer,” he stated, stressing that the company “is making a sea of Palestinian refugees, hundreds of thousands of them, indoctrinated to consider that Israel belongs to them”.

“The tip objective is to make use of these so-called refuges and their libelous proper of return – a proper that doesn’t exist – to flood Israel and destroy the Jewish State,” he added.

Ambassador Erdan stated that simply because “UNRWA has a skinny layer of Europeans in command of amassing donations and garnering assist, it doesn’t change the truth that UNRWA is a Palestinian group absolutely dedicated to the Jewish State’s destruction.”

Ambassador Gilad Erdan of Israel addresses the Security Council meeting on the situation in the Middle East, including the Palestinian question.
Ambassador Gilad Erdan of Israel addresses the Safety Council assembly on the scenario within the Center East, together with the Palestinian query.

Which different group of refugees, he requested, has a UN physique devoted to them, whereas there are hundreds of thousands of different refugees in different disaster zones aided solely by UNHCR – the UN refugee company.

“UNRWA is the world’s greatest advocate for a ‘one-State resolution’, a Palestinian State from the river to the ocean,” he stated.

“There are alternate options to UNRWA, amongst them NGOs and different UN businesses,” stated the Israeli Ambassador.

“Israel can’t and won’t enable UNRWA to proceed in Gaza because it did up to now, I repeat there are alternate options to UNRWA, and it’s as much as you [UN members] if they will succeed…the time has come to defund UNRWA,” he concluded.

4:48 PM

Palestine: Floor invasion and airstrikes should finish

Ziad Abu Amr, Particular Consultant of the President of Palestine, expressed his appreciation for UNRWA and all different humanitarians offering vital reduction.

“We salute your braveness and your dedication as you perform this noble humanitarian mission, risking your personal lives to supply reduction for our individuals,” he stated, whereas providing his condolences to these killed performing their duties.

Mr. Ziad stated lives can’t be saved or reduction supplied in Gaza so long as Israel continues its floor invasion and air strikes.

Ziad Abu Amr, Special Representative of the President of the State of Palestine, addresses the Security Council meeting on the situation in the Middle East, including the Palestinian question.
Ziad Abu Amr, Particular Consultant of the President of the State of Palestine, addresses the Safety Council assembly on the scenario within the Center East, together with the Palestinian query.

He name for worldwide strain to extend on Israel to make sure respect for worldwide regulation, together with worldwide humanitarian regulation.

Stating that “massacres” in opposition to harmless individuals in Gaza have been ongoing for six months, he requested: is it not “excessive time for this killing, this destruction and displacement to cease?”

He recalled the Common Meeting decision that established UNRWA and gave it its mandate:

“That is when the query of the Palestinian refugees is solved. Based mostly on that, the Common Meeting renews UNRWA’s mandate periodically – regardless of each try and marketing campaign to chop if off from the United Nations,” he stated.

Mr. Ziad added that the company is “not a mere humanitarian venture”, stressing that it’s a “historic witness” of the dedication and obligation by the worldwide group relating to Palestinian refugees pressured from their properties after the 1948 Nakba.

Children walk through partially destroyed streets in Jenin in the West Bank.

© UNICEF/Alaa Badarneh

Youngsters stroll by means of partially destroyed streets in Jenin within the West Financial institution.

4:26 PM

UNRWA should reform to make sure neutrality: France

Consultant of France Nathalie Broadhurst stated her nation would pay its annual contribution for 2024, to permit UNRWA’s humanitarian operations to proceed.

She stated all crossing factors should be opened up in order that the UN can ship help at scale, together with to the north.

The company performs “an indispensable” and essential function for refugees and host nations whereas advocating for a simply, equitable, real looking, and lasting resolution to the Israeli-Palestinian battle.

Deputy Permanent Representative Nathalie Broadhurst of France addresses the UN Security Council meeting on the situation in the Middle East, including the Palestinian question.
Deputy Everlasting Consultant Nathalie Broadhurst of France addresses the UN Safety Council assembly on the scenario within the Center East, together with the Palestinian query.

Nonetheless, 75 years after its creation, UNRWA should be reformed and guarantee absolute respect for the precept of neutrality, she continued.

The allegations that some UNRWA workers participated within the October 7 terrorist assaults in opposition to Israel are extraordinarily critical.

France took be aware took be aware of the interim report of the unbiased exterior audit led by a former French overseas minister, whose remaining conclusions can be made public in a matter of days.

France can be extraordinarily vigilant relating to the total implementation of the report’s suggestions to make sure UNRWA absolutely respects the “humanitarian ideas of independence, neutrality and impartiality” which it should function beneath.

Hostages being held should be launched at once and a ceasefire carried out, forward of a two-State resolution. The Palestinian Authority has a key function to play and she or he urged members to assist the French draft decision presently beneath dialogue.

4:20 PM

Israel should finish smear marketing campaign in opposition to UNRWA: China

China’s Deputy Ambassador Geng Shuang stated UNRWA was indispensable for the humanitarian efforts in Palestine, and can’t be changed.

He urged Israel to cease interfering with UNRWA’s work. China helps an unbiased investigation on the allegations in opposition to sure members of UNRWA’s workers, however the outcomes shouldn’t be predetermined, he stated.

Geng Shuang, Ambassador and Deputy Permanent Representative of China, addresses the UN Security Council meeting on the situation in the Middle East, including the Palestinian question.
Geng Shuang, Ambassador and Deputy Everlasting Consultant of China, addresses the UN Safety Council assembly on the scenario within the Center East, together with the Palestinian query.

China additionally rejects vicious assaults on the company within the absence of any stable proof and known as on Israel to finish its smear marketing campaign.

He reiterated China’s name for a right away ceasefire as a result of offering help whereas bombardment continues is solely an not possible process.

He known as on the US to stay neutral, urging the worldwide group to take measures which might power Israel to respect Safety Council resolutions.

Mr. Shuang stated the Council was as a result of vote on Palestine’s full UN membership bid inside days and China is hopeful they’ll prevail.

4:17 PM

UNRWA vital to help effort in Gaza: UK

UK Ambassador Barbara Woodward recalled the mandate assigned to UNRWA some 75 years in the past saying it stays “as essential as ever”.

She stated UNRWA’s work was “vital” to help supply within the Gaza Strip, calling on Israel to permit the company and different humanitarian entities “unhindered entry” within the enclave, significantly within the north.

Ambassador Barbara Woodward of the United Kingdom addresses the UN Security Council meeting on the situation in the Middle East, including the Palestinian question.
Ambassador Barbara Woodward of the UK addresses the UN Safety Council assembly on the scenario within the Center East, together with the Palestinian query.

“UNRWA is the primary supplier of humanitarian reduction inside Gaza and different UN and humanitarian actors rely on UNRWA’s distribution community to get help to these in want,” she stated.

Ambassador Woodward additional acknowledged the company’s function in offering well being and training providers, offering humanitarian assist throughout the Center East area, stressing its significance to regional stability, particularly in the course of the present disaster.

She stated the UK was appalled by allegations that some UNRWA workers had been concerned within the 7 October assaults on Israel, noting the continued investigations.

“We additionally emphasize the significance of UNRWA persevering with strong administration reform, together with stronger unbiased oversight and higher detection programs, and we stay up for seeing the findings and proposals of former French International Minister [Catherine] Colonna’s unbiased assessment into UNRWA neutrality processes and programs,” she added.

“As our Prime Minister stated this week, we’ll make clear the UK’s place on funding as soon as we have now reviewed these,” she stated.

3:59 PM

US: ‘Deeply involved’ Israel has not achieved sufficient to guard lives

US Ambassador Robert Wooden, Deputy Everlasting Consultant, stated the battle has been one of many worst in latest reminiscence by way of the variety of help staff killed.

“These incidents are unacceptable, humanitarian staff should be protected,” he confused, including that the US is “deeply involved Israel has not achieved sufficient to guard humanitarian help staff or civilians.”

He recalled the draft decision launched by the US on the Safety Council final month and reiterated the decision for defense of humanitarians.

Deputy Permanent Representative Robert A. Wood of the United States addresses the UN Security Council meeting on the situation in the Middle East, including the Palestinian question.
Deputy Everlasting Consultant Robert A. Wooden of america addresses the UN Safety Council assembly on the scenario within the Center East, together with the Palestinian query.

“As President [Joe] Biden conveyed to Israeli Prime Minister [Benjamin] Netanyahu on 4 April, that Israel should ‘implement a sequence of particular, concrete and measurable steps to deal with civilian hurt, humanitarian struggling and the protection of help staff’,” he stated.

“US coverage with respect to Gaza can be decided by Israel’s instant and sustained actions on these steps,” he added.

Ambassador Wooden additional famous that the US paused extra funding to UNRWA over allegations that its personnel had been concerned within the 7 October assaults, and that the US Congress has since prohibited extra contributions till not less than March 2025.

“We urge UNRWA and the broader UN system to take all steps essential to strengthen the neutrality of the group and enhance UNRWA’s sustainability,” he stated, whereas recognizing UNRWA’s “indispensable function” in distributing help and sustaining continuity of care in Gaza.

“We urge UNRWA’s continued humanitarian entry in Gaza and the lifting of onerous restrictions on its work,” he added.

3:48 PM

UNRWA’s function is indispensable: Russia

Russia’s Ambassador Vassily Nebenzia stated his nation had repeatedly warned that within the absence of a full-fledged, sustainable ceasefire, “all of our humanitarian efforts are doomed.”

Ambassador Vassily Nebenzia of the Russian Federation addresses the UN Security Council meeting on the situation in the Middle East, including the Palestinian question.
Ambassador Vassily Nebenzia of the Russian Federation addresses the UN Safety Council assembly on the scenario within the Center East, together with the Palestinian query.

No quantity of voluntary deconfliction will assist if one of many sides is decided to proceed hostilities, particularly when indicators are acquired from one Safety Council member, america, that Council resolutions wouldn’t have binding power.

The final decision 2728 calling for a ceasefire throughout Ramadan, is clearly not sufficient, he added.

In these circumstances, the function of UNRWA is irreplaceable. If UNRWA can’t operate, we can have “yet one more unlawful and immoral instrument” for the collective punishment of hundreds of thousands of Palestinians “in dire want of help.”

He condemned makes an attempt to discredit the company, calling for the restoration of all funding, even earlier than the investigations are concluded. Russia will proceed offering complete help he added, as UNRWA’s work will not be humanitarian, but in addition has an essential stabilizing impact on the whole Center East area.

3:26 PM

UNRWA: ‘Indispensible lifeline’ says Malta

Talking in his nationwide capability International Minister of Malta, Ian Borg stated UNRWA was “an indispensable lifeline for Palestine refugees” in Gaza, the West Financial institution and elsewhere within the area, in addition to a “stabilizing power”

“Preserving the lifesaving function and operations of UNRWA should be our major goal,” he confused.

He additionally voiced deep concern over the continued hostilities and the harrowing humanitarian circumstances within the Gaza Strip, and ongoing assaults in opposition to humanitarian and medical personnel.

Foreign Minister Ian Borg of Malta addresses the UN Security Council meeting on the situation in the Middle East, including the Palestinian question.
International Minister Ian Borg of Malta addresses the UN Safety Council assembly on the scenario within the Center East, together with the Palestinian query.

“We’re witnessing a whole inhabitants being delivered to the brink of conflict-induced hunger, with credible reviews that famine has already taken maintain within the north [Gaza].”

International Minister Borg welcomed the UN’s swift response within the institution two investigations into the “deeply regarding” allegations of involvement of UNRWA workers within the 7 October terror assaults.

He additionally welcomed the unbiased assessment into UNRWA’s neutrality, noting that the interim report indicated “UNRWA has in place a major variety of mechanisms and procedures to make sure compliance with humanitarian principal of neutrality.”

“We now stay up for consequence of each inquiries…and name on all events to completely cooperate with these inquiries,” he stated, urging donors to renew “desperately wanted funding.”

3:32 PM

UNRWA is a pillar of Palestine: Algeria

Ahmed Attaf, Minister for overseas affairs of Algeria, stated UNRWA was the final glimpse of hope for the Palestinian individuals. It embodies the beliefs and the values on which this Group is constructed.

UNRWA is the very best and most genuine witness to the fashionable “Nakba” – referencing the mass expulsion of Palestinians by Israel in 1948 – and it has been focused in a shameful method and on a fallacious pretext to make sure its destruction.

Foreign Minister Ahmed Attaf of Algeria addresses the UN Security Council meeting on the situation in the Middle East, including the Palestinian question.
International Minister Ahmed Attaf of Algeria addresses the UN Safety Council assembly on the scenario within the Center East, together with the Palestinian query.

It displays the plight of Palestinian refugees and their proper to return to their homeland. UNRWA is a pillar of Palestine, he stated.

The worldwide group should defend it, facilitate its very important actions, and cease any Israeli try to switch its work to different humanitarian businesses.

He known as on all nations to renew funding for UNRWA

Algeria calls all nations to renew their monetary contributions to UNRWA and stated his nation would make an distinctive contribution of $15 million, on high of different nationwide contributions.

The Palestinian trigger is indivisible, and we’re satisfied that Israel can’t be allowed to behave in defiance of the whole worldwide group, he stated. The 2-state resolution can’t be held hostage by what he known as Israeli manipulation.

A UN staff member surveys the widespread destruction in Khan Younis.

© UNOCHA/Themba Linden

A UN workers member surveys the widespread destruction in Khan Younis.

3:15 PM

‘Insidious marketing campaign’ to finish UNRWA help operation in Gaza: Lazzarini

UNRWA is the spine of the help effort to cease Gaza slipping into famine, Mr. Lazzarini informed ambassadors, and past that it has championed Palestinian improvement for many years.

“Right this moment an insidious marketing campaign to finish UNRWA’s operations is underway, with critical implications for worldwide peace and safety”, he stated.

Now it faces an existential menace as relentless bombing and “a cruel siege have reworked Gaza past recognition.”

Youngsters have begun to die of malnutrition and dehydration, he stated, whereas meals and clear water are simply throughout the border.

Stopped from saving lives

“However UNRWA is denied permission to ship this help and save lives. This outrage is going on regardless of consecutive orders by the Worldwide Courtroom of Justice (ICJ) to extend the circulation of help into Gaza – which could be achieved if there’s the political will”, he added.

Safety Council members “have the ability to make a distinction”, he declared, with an amazing majority of Member States backing UNRWA.

UNRWA Commissioner-General Philippe Lazzarini addresses the UN Security Council meeting on the situation in the Middle East, including the Palestinian question.

UN Photograph/Evan Schneider

UNRWA Commissioner-Common Philippe Lazzarini addresses the UN Safety Council assembly on the scenario within the Center East, together with the Palestinian query.

The Israeli Authorities “seeks to finish” the company and requests to ship help to the stricken north are being repeatedly denied.

Mr. Lazzarini famous the challenges UNRWA has been going through for the reason that warfare began, together with assaults on its premises and workers, killing 178 personnel and damaging or destroying over 160 premises.

Demand for unbiased investigation

He stated their premises have been used for army functions, by Israeli forces, Hamas and different Palestinian armed teams, and its headquarters occupied militarily.

UNRWA personnel detained by Israeli safety forces have shared “harrowing accounts” of mistreatment and torture in detention.

We demand an unbiased investigation and accountability for the blatant disregard for the protected standing of humanitarian staff, operations, and amenities beneath worldwide regulation,” he confused.

“To do in any other case would set a harmful precedent and compromise humanitarian work world wide.”

The UNRWA chief addressed the allegations in opposition to particular person company personnel of involvement within the 7 October assaults: “Horrified by the allegations, I instantly terminated the appointments of these involved,” he stated, noting the investigation ordered by the Secretary-Common in addition to the unbiased assessment on how UNRWA upholds its neutrality.

He added that regardless of the immediate and decisive actions, a major quantity of donor funding stays suspended, with critical operational implications.

Dedicated to assessment findings

“Be assured that we stay firmly dedicated to implementing the suggestions of the assessment and to strengthening current safeguards in opposition to neutrality breaches,” Mr. Lazzarini stated.

He additionally warned that dismantling UNRWA can have “lasting repercussions”.

“It’ll make practically not possible the formidable process of bringing half one million deeply distressed women and boys again to studying,” he stated, stressing that “failing to ship on training will condemn a whole era to despair – fueling anger, resentment, and countless cycles of violence.

“A political resolution can’t achieve such a situation.”

“I urge you to decide to a real political course of culminating in an answer that may carry peace to Palestinians and Israelis,” he informed ambassadors, calling for an acknowledgement {that a} political course of alone is not going to assure a sustainable peace.

“We should acknowledge – and mirror in our phrases and actions – that Palestinians and Israelis share a protracted and profound expertise of grief and loss. That they’re equally deserving of a peaceable and safe future.”

3:10 PM

The assembly is simply getting underway with the International Minister of Malta Ian Borg presiding, since his nation holds the presidency for the month.

Members stood for a minute of silence in reminiscence of all these humanitarian staff killed within the line of responsibility.

Members of the UN Security Council stand to observe a minute of silence in memory humanitarian workers killed in the line of duty in Gaza.
Members of the UN Safety Council stand to look at a minute of silence in reminiscence humanitarian staff killed within the line of responsibility in Gaza.

1:40 PM – Philippe Lazzarini has stated the company is going through a “deliberate and concerted marketing campaign” to undermine its operations at a time when it’s essential providers – delivered by over 12,000 largely native workers in Gaza – are most wanted.

To this point, some 178 UNRWA officers working in Gaza have been killed since Israel’s bombardment and army marketing campaign started final October.

In January, the Israeli Authorities introduced the UN with info accusing 12 UNRWA workers of collaborating within the 7 October terror assaults however has but to supply that proof to the organisation. UNRWA however terminated their employment and began an internal investigation.

The UN chief additionally arrange an independent review overseen by a former French foreign minister Catherine Colonna, which is because of report on the finish of this week.

Funding disaster

Some 16 nations led by america introduced a funding freeze for UNRWA – or suspension of future funding – in response to the allegations of collusion however a few of these nations have since reversed course and resumed funding.

Mr. Lazzarini wrote to the Common Meeting, which supplies UNRWA its mandate, and later briefed Member States in March, saying the company was at “breaking level” throughout the area and beneath critical menace of grinding to a halt.

Israel’s announcement in late March that they might now not approve any UNRWA meals convoys into northern Gaza meant that the clock is ticking “quicker in the direction of famine”, he stated on X, previously Twitter.

Diplomacy continues in New York

Ambassadors final met on the humanitarian disaster in Gaza on 5 April after they heard high UN help officers make an enchantment for the Safety Council to assist finish the carnage there six months on from the beginning of the battle.

The Maltese mission which holds the presidency for the month of April stated in a publish on X, that there can be a vote on a draft decision put ahead by Algeria this coming Friday.

The draft is targeted on the diplomatic push by some nations to confess Palestine as a full Member State of the UN, within the wake of the disaster within the Center East.

Though a particular committee on UN membership didn’t give you a conclusive advice this week, the Algeria draft recommends to the Common Meeting that the State of Palestine “be admitted to membership within the United Nations.”

Right here’s a reminder of the HIGHLIGHTS from the Council meeting on 25 March which handed a decision demanding a right away ceasefire throughout Ramadan:

  • The UN Security Counciladopts a resolution tabled by its 10 non-permanent members (E-10) demanding a ceasefire in Gaza throughout Ramadan, by a vote of 14 in favour to none in opposition to, with one abstention (United States)
  • Decision 2728 additionally requires the instant launch of hostages and for making certain humanitarian entry to Gaza
  • The Council rejected a Russia-proposed modification that might have known as for a everlasting ceasefire
  • The US ambassador stated her delegation “absolutely helps” the vital aims of the draft
  • Algeria’s ambassador says the ceasefire will finish “the massacre”
  • “This should be a turning level,” says the ambassador for the observer State of Palestine
  • The draft’s lack of condemnation of Hamas is “a shame”, says Israel’s ambassador

For summaries of UN conferences, go to our colleagues on the UN Conferences Protection in English and French

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