By Andrew Osborn

(Reuters) – Senior Russian safety official Dmitry Medvedev instructed Japan on Tuesday it must drop territorial claims to a bunch of Pacific islands if it wished to conclude a peace treaty with Russia formally ending World Struggle Two.

The blunt remarks by Medvedev, a former president who’s deputy chairman of Russia’s Safety Council, over what Moscow calls the Kuril islands are more likely to anger Japan which lays declare to 4 of the southernmost islands, which it calls the Northern Territories.

Russia, the principle successor state to the Soviet Union, and Japan have by no means signed a peace treaty formally ending their hostilities throughout World Struggle Two, with the islands remaining the first stumbling block.

The islands are positioned off Hokkaido, Japan’s northernmost essential island, and had been seized by the Soviet Union on the finish of World Struggle Two.

Diplomats on each side as soon as spoke of the opportunity of reviving a Soviet-era draft settlement that envisaged returning two of the 4 islands to Japan as a part of a peace deal.

However Russia withdrew from peace treaty talks with Japan and froze joint financial tasks associated to the islands in 2022 due to Japanese sanctions over Russia’s struggle in Ukraine and relations have soured additional since.

Medvedev stated he was respondidipng to feedback by Japanese Prime Minister Fumio Kishida who he stated had spoken in favour of a peace treaty with Russia.

“No person’s in opposition to the peace treaty on the understanding that … the ‘territorial query’ is closed as soon as and for all in accordance with the structure of Russia,” Medvedev stated on his official X account.

In 2020, Russia’s structure was amended to bar handing over territory to a international energy.

Medvedev, who types himself as one of many Kremlin’s most hardline anti-Western hawks, stated Japan would even have to simply accept that Russia would develop the Kuril islands and station new weapons there.

“We do not give a rattling concerning the ’emotions of the Japanese’ in regards to the so-called ‘Northern Territories’. These will not be disputed territories however Russia,” stated Medvedev.

“And people samurai who really feel particularly unhappy can finish their life in a standard Japanese manner, by committing seppuku (Japanese ritualistic suicide by disembowelment). In the event that they dare, after all.”

Medvedev accused Japan of cosying as much as america even if the U.S. navy had dropped atomic bombs on Hiroshima and Nagasaki in 1945.

Russia stated in December it regarded joint navy workout routines by Japan, america and Australia close to Hokkaido to be a “potential safety menace”. It has complained about Japan – with U.S. assist – increasing its navy infrastructure and rising arms purchases.

Japan has periodically expressed unease about Russia beefing up its navy infrastructure on the disputed island chain.

(Reporting by Reuters; Writing by Andrew Osborn; Modifying by John Davison and Ros Russell)

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